Summer Solstice Love
As a people and a nation we have become so far removed from ritual and ceremony. We are so out of touch with the rhythms of the seasons, the elements and the planet in general.
I love to tune in and acknowledge the Full and New Moon, Summer and Winter Solstice, Spring and Fall Equinox, etc and the special energies they carry— historically and currently, for my own life. They mark the passage of time, and give meaning to my life.
Our ancestors and ancient peoples did just that. They gave gratitude, appreciation, and honor for the life giving sustenance of the sun, for longer days and shorter nights, for blessing their crops and lighting their days. They gave honor and praise to the bounteous earth for its many gifts and blessings.
I like to do the same in my life. It helps me to realize that I, too, am part of it, that I'm not separate, that I am one with all things. Most of all for me, it makes my life magical and adds a touch of whimsy to all that I do. I like to feel in harmony with the energies that are present on the planet. I have learned over time, to harness those energies and elements to create a life that I adore— to simply ‘go with the flow’. I feel a close kinship with trees, oceans and stars. I have great passion for our sun, moon and planet. I wander the world in awe and amazement at the breathtaking beauty of it all. The earth is my home and I am the earth.
Happy Summer Solstice, beloveds. Do something to tune in and make it magical for YOU. Create an alter with flowers and spring water, go for a hike and acknowledge mother earth, do a few rounds of Sun Salutations and truly give heart-felt gratitude for our glorious Sun. It’s really not know you wanna :)) Be in love with life, fall in love with the stars in the galaxy, give a tree a hug, be nice to your neighbor. Let in the LIGHT!!! Shine on, Shine on!!!