Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Peace—A Simple Start

Dear Humans…

So you’re not a world leader…what can you do to create peace on Earth?

We are living in what feels like very uncertain times where nothing feels stable anymore and everything seems to be changing and undergoing massive disruption. Rest assured, this is on purpose. Radical transformation is necessary on every level of life from a world perspective between governments and nations, to our blessed Pancha Mamma in upheaval with fires and calamity all about, to our justified concerns about the quality of our air and water, to the perversion of our food through pesticides and GMO's, to the whoredoms of big pharma at the absolute detriment of our health, to the bastardization of religion at the detriment of our spiritual well-being, to the destructive programming of our sacred littles in public education. (Think Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple court.) That’s how I see what’s happening in our world right now. Transformation, overthrow, do-over—it’s time. The universe, earth, humans, animals, and plants say ENOUGH! Whatever we’ve been doing isn’t working—or it’s working perfectly to wreak enough havoc so people have to up their give-a-shit-quotient and wake up from their Muggle-Slumber. This won't be a quick fix and will require all hands on deck.

Change is challenging for many of us. And if you're of the ilk that attempts to keep everything in your life ‘status quo’ and smooth-like, this may be an even more difficult time for you. The upset in our personal lives is just a microcosm of the macrocosm. Our current state of global affairs is simply a reflection of our planetary collective (un)conscious. No person, organization, world leader, or institution of any kind, is to blame other than ourSelves. This is OUR collective doing. Every bit of it. We can no longer point our fingers outside of ourselves and blame another because we are the other. We will NEVER heal that way. Separation, duality and an 'us vs them' mentality are what has us in this place.

What can lil old you possibly do to make a difference in this crazy world? 

First of all, you can stop complaining, bitching, moaning and whining. Until we step out of our personal victim-mentality and take radical personal responsibility and ownership for the heaven or shit-show of our lives, and actually do something about it and stop blaming and/or expecting our government, our ex, our parents, our boss, etc to fix it, bail us out, or save us—we will remain in this mess. Nothing will get better and like Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.” Most of us have all been doing NOTHING for way too long, and it is exactly the reason we are here now. Regardless of what we’ve been programmed to believe, we are NOT helpless. We contain all of the power—we just don’t realize it.

How do we fix it? How can we create peace, when we’re not the ones with access to that red phone? I have a few ideas. Let’s keep it simple for now.

1. Stop clinging to a life you hate because of your fear. Let it go. Let go of everything that enslaves you. It's costing you! If you are in a marriage, partnership, job, religion, or personal belief system that feels like it is draining your life-force and vitality, get the fuck out. If you are in a marriage because you are afraid you can’t make it on your own, or your church/beliefs told you to stay no matter what and it isn’t authentic for you—it’s killing you. Same with your job, if you dread it and can not find anything about it to like—it’s killing you. As David Whyte more eloquently puts it, “Anything that does not bring you alive is too (fucking) small for you.” And allow me to add, if it is too small for you, then it is most likely draining you. If it is an energy suck and not an energy boost, your mood and level of consciousness will remain low af. When your emotions are resonating at the frequency of apathy, anger, grief, shame or guilt, your health will also be in the gutter. HOW YOU FEEL MATTERS! If it’s not life-affirming, it’s life draining. Ask yourSelf if how you are living is nourishing your Soul or if it’s toxic? You can not change the world living in a toxic environment. Change it or get out!

2. Follow your heart and your authentic bliss….it will lead you right into your life purpose. What do you care about? What makes you cry? What lights your soul on fire? Almost always our dharma is connected to how we can assist and serve others. What is your gift? How do you bring Light into a dark world? What is that thing you do that always feels like a contribution and makes you happy and proud inside? Do that!! Pursue THAT!! Do more of it! Either figure out how to earn a living doing it or do it on the side as much as you can. It will bring you joy!! Joy is a high frequency!! It will attract more good things and give everyone around you permission to live in their own joy.

3. Cultivate inner peace. No, it’s not that hard. Once you have courageously let go of what is toxic and are boldly pursuing that which is nourishing, you will inevitably experience more joy and clarity. Knowing that you are on the right path of liberation and purpose creates an environment of inner peace and is an absolute byproduct of your clarity and vision. F
rom the alchemist "To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation." When people everywhere start stepping into their own brilliance and power, and not waiting for someone else to do it for them, they will develop a sense of self-worth and confidence. Their happiness will grow when they are BE-ing the Light instead of draining someone else’s. We can not expect peace in the world until we can create peace in our own families, tribes, and communities. If you can’t divorce consciously and amicably without a war, you are to blame for wars between nations. If you’re a hater, you add to the collective hate vibe on the planet. Figure that shit out! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist. As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE—whether you consciously know it or not. Choose to be conscious about what your contribution is to the collective. 

So what can YOU do? CREATE PEACE in your own sphere of influence. Stop pointing the finger of blame elsewhere and look inside yourself. It’s the ONLY place YOU can make a difference, initially. Want world peace? Transform the anger, rage, bitterness, and apathy in your own Soul first. Then, you will be liberated from your chains that bind, your heart will feel light, your mind will be clear and YOU will be BEING the fucking change, already. Imagine what would be possible if you dropped all of your toxic bullshit, you might have beautiful expansive ideas instead of hateful contracting ones. You would be free to pursue your truth and purpose instead of spending your time seeking revenge and placing blame everywhere outside of yourself.

Imagine if we all acknowledged our own part in the devastation of our planet and decided to make an about-face and at least rectify our own negative output with something more authentic and positive. Imagine a wave of that across our beautiful planet. Imagine refusing to commiserate with all the Muggle’s complaints about the President, and world affairs. Imagine instead, sharing your bliss about what you are doing that helps you feel joy and creates peace within YOU. The world is waiting for us to wake up, show up and shine. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Release your toxic life and relationships, follow your heart, cultivate inner peace and for fuck’s sake, BE NICE. That is the way we TRANSFORM the world. One crusty Muggle conversion at a time.